The UK Hospital at Home Society is for all those with an interest in Hospital at Home, including NHS staff, patients, caregivers, policy makers and the academic community.
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Hospital at Home Community
Next webinar: 'Research and Quality Improvement in Paediatric Hospital at Home'
Wednesday 19th March 2025, at 13:00 (GMT)
The next UK Hospital at Home Society webinar will be on Wednesday 19th March 2025, at 13:00 (GMT). This webinar will discuss research and quality improvement projects being undertaken in a paediatric Hospital at Home setting, followed by time for questions, and may inspire you to consider similar projects of your own.
You can find out more on our Events page and book to attend this webinar here.
World Hospital at Home Congress 2025 - tickets now available
The next World Hospital at Home Congress will be held in Vienna, Austria on 27-29th March 2025.
This event will bring together the international Hospital at Home community, for three days of presentations, discussions and networking.
Further information can be found on their website and our Events page, and UK Hospital at Home Society members get a discount on ticket prices for the Congress.
Conference slides now available
Slide sets from presentations given at the UK Hospital at Home Society conference 2024 are now available for all members to view, via the 'Conference 2024' tab in the Members' Area.
These can be accessed by logging into your account via the 'Member Login' link in the main menu, or clicking the image associated with this news point.
Key features of Hospital at Home
Acuity and Complexity
The acuity and complexity of the patient condition differentiates Hospital at Home from other community services
Hospital-Level Diagnostics
It provides urgent access to hospital-level diagnostics (such as endoscopy, radiology, or cardiology) and may include bedside tests such as point of care (POC blood tests) and point of care ultrasound (POCUS).
Hospital Level Interventions
It provides hospital level interventions (such as access to intravenous fluids, therapy and oxygen)
Daily Input
It requires daily input from a multidisciplinary team and sometimes multiple visits and provisions for 24 hour cover with the ability to respond to urgent visits.
Specialist Leadership
It requires secondary care level specialist leadership and clear lines of clinical responsibility.
Inclusion and Exclusion criteria
Defined inclusion and exclusion criteria, with defined target population for example for people aged over 18 or over 65 years.
These programs deliver a time-limited, short-term intervention of 1-14 days
UK Hospital at Home Society.
Welcome to the UK Hospital at Home Society, which is devoted to Hospital at Home (HaH) services. This website is a resource for NHS practitioners and managers, policy makers, patients and caregivers, and the academic community.
As demand for value-based care rises while pressure on providing hospital beds also increases, healthcare service providers are turning to the innovative Hospital at Home care model as an alternative, cost-effective solution that also reduces risks for patients.
The Society’s Core Purposes include:
Advice Exchange - To exchange practical advice and experience in implementing admission avoidance hospital-at-home services.
Research - To further develop evidence-based specialist services for people who require them by encouraging and disseminating research into HaH
Integration - To integrate HaH services with specialty services
Policy - To help shape policy, based on the current evidence base, and update members about policy initiatives (both in the UK and elsewhere) and the progress of research into HaH
Benchmarks & Best Practices – To act as a medium to benchmark HaH standards of care and best practices
Raising Awareness – To increase awareness of the essential place HaH has in any health system, to provide patient benefits and aid sustainability
If this all sounds interesting or relevant to you, why not become a member and get unlimited access to a growing library of resources and support?
You can also see a full list of the Officers and Committee members of the UK Hospital at Home Society here.
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